Sixteen Senate pages from across the country joined Sean Roche and
family in Wells Beach (Cindy Roche photo)
Sean applied to be a page early last year, but there are so
many applicants for the thirty positions available across the country that he
didn’t figure he would be selected. Sean, who used to play football for his
dad, was in Washington when Wells won the high school football state
championship last fall. He spent September 1 through February 1 in Washington,
where he stayed at a dorm called Daniel Webster Hall with the other pages. They
attended school from 6 to 9 a.m. each day before heading to the Capitol for the
day’s work.
Tim and Cindy Roche hosted the sixteen pages at their family
beach house at the corner of Church and Gilman Streets in Wells for four days.
The students represented fifteen different states. They are all going to be seniors
this fall. They spent time at Wells Beach, Perkins Cove in Ogunquit, and
Kennebunkport. The Roches had a lobster bake for them and taught them how to
eat lobster. They took a lobster cruise on the Finestkind and visited the Bush
compound at Walker’s Point.
The pages were ecstatic to be back together again, Cindy
Roche said, and the parents enjoyed listening to the kids talk politics.
“He didn’t have huge political aspirations when he went down
there,” Tim said. “But when he came back he did. He’d like to be a senator from
Maine one day, or maybe president.”
The following students stayed in Maine last week: JR Miller,
Ohio, Lea Graber, South Dakota, Liam Haviv, Arizona, Mitchell Bustillo, Texas,
Chloe Barz, New Jersey, Susanna Billings, Vermont, Shawn Allen, Kentucky, Matt
Haarer, Michigan, Ian Trotta, Illinois, Gretta Schultz, Wisconsin, Helen
Hathaway, Arkansas, Kristina Biddle, Delaware, Karin Fuller, Utah, Hunter Moak,
Louisiana, Shelby Oney, Kentucky, and Maddie Twomey, the other Mainer who lives
in South Portland.