Friday, March 30, 2012

York County Hunger Programs Receive Congressional Recognition


Representative Chellie Pingree in the U.S. House of Representatives recognized the Mothers and Others Against Hunger project and the York County Shelter Programs on Thursday, March 1.

In Rep. Pingree's remarks for the Congressional Record she stated: "Mr. Speaker, I want to recognize an incredible program in Maine, The Mothers and Others Against Hunger through the York County Shelter Programs. The York County Shelter Programs is a homeless services provider in Alfred that has been in operation for more than thirty-one years and continues to be an essential part of York County—over the years caring for thousands of Mainers. Maine is a state that has struggled with food insecurity and Mothers and Others Against Hunger is making great strides in eradicating hunger in Maine. Projects like this demonstrate Maine's unbreakable community bond in our fight against hunger today."

Pingree personally presented an official, framed recognition of her endorsement of the work of the York County Shelter Programs and Mothers and Others Against Hunger on Thursday, March 15, when she and her staff toured the Shelter buildings in Alfred and learned about their many programs that address Mainers in need.

Over one hundred businesses, agencies, and individuals have pledged to donate either $50 in food or a $50 donation to help support the work of the Mothers and Others Against Hunger project. A map has been set up on the Mothers and Others Against Hunger website ( depicting all the towns in Maine and New Hampshire that have pledged their support to this program.

Twenty-three of the twenty-nine York County towns already have participants in this hunger project. Pledges have been made from seven counties in Maine and New Hampshire, and from Arkansas, Iowa, Rhode Island and Vermont. Area businesses and individuals concerned about the issue of hunger are urged to consider joining this group.

The Mothers and Others Against Hunger group will host a Mother's Day Dessert and Tea in Alfred on Sunday, May 13, from 1 to 4pm. Proceeds from this event and from the Fifth Annual 5kRun /Two Mile Walk for the Homeless and the Hungry on Saturday, May 19, at Mother's Beach in Kennebunk, will benefit efforts to eradicate hunger. For additional information contact Mary Doyle at 207-793-2759 or email:

Photo Caption: York County Shelter Programs Executive Director Donald Gean discusses the Shelter's several feeding programs with U.S. Representative Chellie Pingree outside the Shelter's Bakery on March 15. (Photo courtesy of Mary Doyle)