The story of how residents, students, and Rotarians in southern Maine have helped build and support a school in Haiti will be told in a slide presentation on Friday, October 22, at 7pm at the York Public Library.
Paul Salacain of York and Amy Miller of South Berwick, who have both traveled to Haiti, will present slides showing how the Eben Ezer School in Milot, Haiti, has thrived since first South Berwick, then Kittery, and most recently, York residents have become involved. Thirteen-year-old Georgia Barlow of South Berwick, who led a student effort to raise $18,000 for Eben Ezer, also will show a short video based on her trip there.
The York Rotary Club, which donated the money for a generator for the school, sent Salacain to Haiti in August to set it up. Traveling with Life and Hope, the organization that founded the school, Salacain became part of a team that hooked up electricity so students can have refrigeration, lights, and, most importantly, computers to connect them to the outside world.
Miller, a freelance writer, has traveled annually to Milot since 2007, when her family first stumbled upon the school while living in the Dominican Republic.
Since then, hundreds of Maine residents, several schools, and three local Rotary clubs have become committed to making a difference in Haiti through the Eben Ezer School. With so many people from this area already involved in Haiti when the January 2010 earthquake struck, this community responded quickly and with great generosity.
In the two months after the earthquake, South Berwick and Eliot students and teachers raised more than $30,000 for Life and Hope. Classes at both Berwick Academy and public schools are sponsoring students in Milot.
Southern Maine residents now sponsor several dozen children at Life and Hope Eben Ezer School in Milot. The South Berwick Eliot Rotary in 2008 raised $4,300 to pay for schoolbooks for the school.
Miller’s slides will include pictures of the earthquake devastation, taken in February when she accompanied Eben Ezer School founder Lucia Anglade to the epicenter, where Anglade’s sister runs a compound for the destitute.
The York Public Library is located at 15 Long Sands Road in York, Maine. For additional information or directions, please call 207-363-2818 or visit the Library’s website at www.york.lib.me.us. For more about Life and Hope, go to www.lifeandhopehaiti.org.
Photo caption: A slide presentation will be shown at the Library about local support for a school in Haiti. (Courtesy photo)
The story of how residents, students, and Rotarians in southern Maine have helped build and support a school in Haiti will be told in a slide presentation on Friday, October 22, at 7pm at the York Public Library.
Paul Salacain of York and Amy Miller of South Berwick, who have both traveled to Haiti, will present slides showing how the Eben Ezer School in Milot, Haiti, has thrived since first South Berwick, then Kittery, and most recently, York residents have become involved. Thirteen-year-old Georgia Barlow of South Berwick, who led a student effort to raise $18,000 for Eben Ezer, also will show a short video based on her trip there.
The York Rotary Club, which donated the money for a generator for the school, sent Salacain to Haiti in August to set it up. Traveling with Life and Hope, the organization that founded the school, Salacain became part of a team that hooked up electricity so students can have refrigeration, lights, and, most importantly, computers to connect them to the outside world.
Miller, a freelance writer, has traveled annually to Milot since 2007, when her family first stumbled upon the school while living in the Dominican Republic.
Since then, hundreds of Maine residents, several schools, and three local Rotary clubs have become committed to making a difference in Haiti through the Eben Ezer School. With so many people from this area already involved in Haiti when the January 2010 earthquake struck, this community responded quickly and with great generosity.
In the two months after the earthquake, South Berwick and Eliot students and teachers raised more than $30,000 for Life and Hope. Classes at both Berwick Academy and public schools are sponsoring students in Milot.
Southern Maine residents now sponsor several dozen children at Life and Hope Eben Ezer School in Milot. The South Berwick Eliot Rotary in 2008 raised $4,300 to pay for schoolbooks for the school.
Miller’s slides will include pictures of the earthquake devastation, taken in February when she accompanied Eben Ezer School founder Lucia Anglade to the epicenter, where Anglade’s sister runs a compound for the destitute.
The York Public Library is located at 15 Long Sands Road in York, Maine. For additional information or directions, please call 207-363-2818 or visit the Library’s website at www.york.lib.me.us. For more about Life and Hope, go to www.lifeandhopehaiti.org.
Photo caption: A slide presentation will be shown at the Library about local support for a school in Haiti. (Courtesy photo)